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Suggested Complementary feeding
Having babies over 6 months of age, Complementary feeding (solids) it was time to introduce. What foods are recommended? Sources of carbohyd...
Stages Toddler Eating Skills
The problem child will often associated with eating less diasahnya skills according to ability and fine motor oral motrorik children. The fo...
5 Fun Ways to Play With Toddlers
Hopefully the end of this year's holiday does not rain. And mataharibersinar merrily. At the end of the week, although there are no plan...
Baby Tooth Growth Process
Initial molar teeth in the form of a bulge along the top and bottom, have started to form on the fetal age of 6 weeks. Then, tissue will for...
10 Factors lowering fertility in women
Healthy body, reproductive organs must be functioning properly. But the children never attend. There could be other things that block. Stres...
6 Planned for Pregnant
So that the baby was born in good health physically and mentally, physically and spiritually, you both need to make proper preparation, at l...
Petrified. Overwhelmed. Do I really wanna do this?
Question: Greetings! I'm not sure what I'm doing here. I mean, I know why I came here, I came here looking for a place to call my ho...
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