Suggested Complementary feeding

Having babies over 6 months of age, Complementary feeding (solids) it was time to introduce. What foods are recommended?

Sources of carbohydrates: white rice, brown rice, potatoes, corn, sweet potato yellow / red, purple sweet potato, pumpkin, breadfruit and arrowroot (arrowroot starch).

Choose fresh. For example, potato or sweet potato whose skin is not wrinkled

When you are in the form of flour, select the net. For example, encased in a plastic bag, it smells fragrant (not stale) and not lumpy.

Source of vitamins, minerals and fiber: avocados, bananas, papaya, melon, red apples, green pears, carrots, spinach erah, green spinach, katuk leaves, pumpkin leaves, bean sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, vegetable marrow, mushrooms, zucchini and bits.

For fruits, choose fresh and ripe. For example, select the entire banana skin is yellow because it tastes sweet and sour (if necessary to taste first). Fruits should be given in the form of fresh to its nutrient content, such as vitamin C, not less.

For vegetables, choose which is not a lot of fiber, such as spinach leaves only. Fresh vegetables, among others, characterized by brilliant color and if leafy, the leaves do not wither. Vegetables should be cooked within a short time by steaming or boiling in water that is not too much. Previously, all food must be cleaned thoroughly, if necessary, peel the skin.

Sports vegetables according to the needs of infants, not in large quantities. Some vegetables such as beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, lettuce and spinach contain nitrates that can cause the baby pain due to damaged red blood cells. To prevent this, the food is served immediately after being processed.

Sources of protein: green beans, soybeans.

Green beans can be pureed green beans, or flour made.
Soy beans made in the form of soy milk pudding, or in the form of tempeh.

It is not difficult to prepare meals of breast milk for your baby according to the recommended!

Stages Toddler Eating Skills

The problem child will often associated with eating less diasahnya skills according to ability and fine motor oral motrorik children. The following check list developmentally infants to toddlers eating skills.

0-4 months
Capable of sucking and swallowing the liquid (milk)

4-6 months
Opens mouth when spoon approaches the mouth. Able to move the tongue to move the slurry gently to the rear in order to be swallowed.

6-9 months
Start learning to drink from a glass. Began to hold a spoon. Started to eat porridge that is more viscous.

9-12 months
Began to be bribed and drinking alone. The tongue can move the food to the gums and teeth to chew.

12-24 months
Growing self-feeding skills, food

5 Fun Ways to Play With Toddlers

Hopefully the end of this year's holiday does not rain. And mataharibersinar merrily. At the end of the week, although there are no plans to travel, you can still fun with the kids. Ways this might be an idea for you.

Dance In The Rain. Children love to play water (we all do, right?). So when you water the grass and favorite plants, allow the children to hold the water hose. Spraying water into your body, and she laughed in delight. Needless upset, let's spray-spray of water! It could be that you both remembered her dancing wet periods when clubbing before marriage.

Build Secret Tent. Spread the bed sheets or covers in between two short trees. Or you can also use the clothesline pole. Put pillows in it. Bring 'stock' of food and beverages. Picnic at home kahalaman, funny yes ..

Teater Koma point. Abalita pad put the sailor hat, grab the linen cloth to turn the function into robes, disposable broom sticks as swords. You both had a play and toddler play pirate. Kreasikan your own story. As serious or as silly as anything, the kids love to play a role.

Swing, Swing Agency. Aka swing hammock large enough for two with a toddler (and hopefully fit all three of the husband) is a valuable investment. Lay your body with a toddler, view the sky in sena pretty, and fantasize about your ideal with toddler. You can also read to her.

Little Drummer Boy / Girl. Take an empty mineral water containers, use a wooden spoon, glass melamine, any bus amenimbulkan sound. Let's play tetabuhan! Create a certain rhythm to the 'instrument' that you hold and ask the children to imitate. They're certainly thrilled, would not even stop. Calculated to nurture the seeds you have a replacement candidate Phil Collins early on.

Congratulations to play together!

Baby Tooth Growth Process

Initial molar teeth in the form of a bulge along the top and bottom, have started to form on the fetal age of 6 weeks. Then, tissue will form around the embryo of KRAS in the tooth when fetuses aged 3-4 months. Embryo of this gear will still "hiding" in the molars, until the baby is born and attained the age of about 4-7 months.

The first teeth are already starting to appear at 3-month-old baby. However, in most children, on average the first tooth appears at age 6 months. Teeth are known as milk teeth, the last to grow as toddlers aged 2-3 years. At this age, usually the number of teeth is complete, which is 20 pieces.

Once past the toddler years, or since he was aged between 6-7 years, milk teeth will gradually date and replaced by permanent teeth.

The general pattern of growth order of the child's teeth

10 Factors lowering fertility in women

Healthy body, reproductive organs must be functioning properly. But the children never attend. There could be other things that block.

Stress. Competitive lifestyle makes people easy to anxiety, stress, even depression. In fact, stress triggers the brain to send signals that affect the hormonal control of ovulation. Research in the Department of Physiology, Medical College of Hoigo (USA) calls for stress can lower the quality of the hormone testosterone and sperm, as well as the quality of the egg. Stress, also interfere with intimacy, to reduce the desire for sex.

Air Pollution. Tobacco smoke pollution, motor vehicle fumes and factory smoke laden lead (Pb) shown to decrease the quality of sperm and egg. Pollutant-producing nitrogen oxides, lead or pesticides allegedly disrupt hormone balance and affect the health of the egg and sperm. Harry Moore, a reproduction of Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, University of Sheffield (UK) reveals, the magnitude of potential egg and sperm abnormalities, infertility and even cancer are caused by air pollution. Egg and sperm are not healthy it is difficult to meet.

Portable Computer. The heat of portable computers can increase testicular temperature, so the condition is no longer prime the sperm could even die. It's not nonsense, because research at the University of New York (USA) has proved that argument.

Alcohol. Not just any percentage of alcoholic drinks intoxicating effect on egg and sperm cell reproduction. Consumption of alcohol is more than 2 glasses for men and more than 1 glass for women can reduce fertility. In women, excessive alcohol consumption worsens the metabolism of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the process of egg fertilization by sperm is unlikely. In men, it will slow the velocity of sperm, and reduce the volume of semen that resulted in reduced production of sperm.

Phones. Pocketed mobile phones in pockets can cause infertility. Electrostatic and electromagnetic emission from mobile phones could potentially reduce sperm count by 30%. Cleveland Clinic Fertility Research (USA) shows also:

The greater the percentage of abnormal sperm from mobile phone use on average 4 hours per day, in 361 male patients at the clinic.

The biggest allegations still padaradiasi issued by the mobile phone that breaks your system other than sperm cells in the body.

6 Planned for Pregnant

So that the baby was born in good health physically and mentally, physically and spiritually, you both need to make proper preparation, at least 6 months before planned pregnancy.

Enrich your knowledge about pregnancy, birth and baby care from various sources, ranging from popular science magazines, books, to explore the virtual world. Adequate and proper knowledge will help you and your partner through pregnancy calmly and confidently.

Stop bad habits. Smoking (including passive smoking), and alcohol can disrupt the supply of oxygen in the body. And body condition of oxygen deficiency will cause the process of fertilization and disrupted the course of pregnancy.

Note the diet. The point is inadequate all the nutrients the body needs, namely carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Folic acid, a substance that is useful to avoid physical defects in the fetus is noteworthy, even encouraged to eat prior to pregnancy. If you have health problems, such as a weak stomach, high blood pressure, and so on, consult the experts.

Health checks. One of them, do blood tests to determine whether there is a virus in your body, such as toxoplasmosis, rubella cymegolo and that would endanger the pregnancy. If you suffer from certain diseases, including heart, Asama, lupus, diabetes or high or low blood pressure, which could affect the condition of pregnancy, this condition you should consult the experts. Keep your body's health condition was stable before pregnancy. To protect the fetus, there are some vaccinations need to be done by the prospective mother before pregnancy, the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, TT vaccine (tetanus toxoid), and hepatitis vaccines.

Balance and unseen. Healthy balanced life makes all the organs of the body work optimally. Being a balanced inner life is the guarantee of human happiness as a whole. In the condition of the body like this, pregnancies that occur naturally will run smoothly. Check the pattern to your daily life, already seimbangkah time and energy you use for work and rest. Regular body work, meet the inner needs, as well as relaxation, can all help in that direction.

Anticipate emotional changes due to hormones. Hormonal changes during pregnancy will affect the emotional state of pregnant women. If you and your husband already understand it, you can both support each other, so that the pregnancy was expected to run smoothly.

Petrified. Overwhelmed. Do I really wanna do this?

Greetings! I'm not sure what I'm doing here.

I mean, I know why I came here, I came here looking for a place to call my home as I plan Yikes, there it is, in print, for the first time. You'll have to forgive my stumbling, bumbling ways. Let's start at the top.

For the purposes of this forum, my name is Journey. My paramour, Honor and I have recently begun discussing our plans to travel the same path together for a lifetime. When that starts, we don't really know -- as far as we're concerned it already started and at some point we'll have -- to pretty much let everyone else in on the game.

If you're reading this far, maybe you will be the right kind of kindred spirit to help me on this new adventure. We'll see. I'll check in with you again later, to see if you're still here.

I am not a "wedding person". I've never been in a wedding. Well, not entirely true -- I've sung at 2 weddings, but I have never been a bridesmaid, a flower girl or a sister is younger than I and unmarried. My last close relative to get married (an aunt) was married some 6 years ago. I wasn't around for the planning, as I lived away from my family at the time, so I only ever heard bits and pieces of wedding news before I popped in on the day of to sing a couple of songs for her at the church before she walked down the aisle.

I have watched "Bridezillas" and I have to say, I'm completely mystified. Why do these women torture themselves for "the day"? It makes no sense to me.

So, first, briefly the not-so-quick 'how we met' story of Honor and Journey. Then we'll get to how I arrived at this point.

I met Honor 13 years ago. We were coworkers and we hit it off rather well as buddies at that time. Now, 13 years ago I was a young 'un, all of 21 and not a glimmer of marital aspirations to be found. He is 4 years my elder, nearly 5, and so at the ripe age of 26 (back in 1995) he was dating some woman while I tried to figure out how to drink alcohol without vomiting. Come to think of it, I'm still working on that...

For a few months Honor and I were coworker/friends. It didn't last long, because I was on a college work program and was headed back to school to finish my degree and graduate. Still, Honor and I kept in touch.

When I did graduate, I moved back to the area where I had previously worked, and Honor and I reconnected as friends. For several years we'd remain casual friends who would go to a movie now and then and exchange an email once in awhile. Meanwhile, I got myself involved in a long term relationship that ended up going nowhere for nearly 6 years. Around 1998 I had actually started an online journal, a blog predecessor, and I used that for self-expression and to talk about my "issues" (oh to be early 20's again). That online journal was around for several years before I eventually closed it.

Near the end of 2000, I got an email one day from someone in response to my journal. I didn't know the sender, but he intrigued me. I blew him off the first couple of times, but he was persistent in his communication and I was sucked into a fascinating exchange of emails with this person for well over 2 years. This stranger, who I had never met, did not know at all, became my closest confidant, the person who knew all of my deepest darkest thoughts and secrets. It was thrilling, and yet I didn't see how close I was to this person because I was still stuck in the rut of my go nowhere relationship and was battling some personal demons. I was still in touch with Honor from time to time during this, but I never told him about my mystery man -- he was, after all, a movie going buddy who had a girlfriend of his own. What interest would this be to him?

By 2002, I'd made a commitment to myself to get my act together. My sister and I made an agreement to move west together to Los Angeles from our respective home cities, and set about that process throughout that year. By the end of 2002, I had, for all intents and purposes, relocated to L.A. It wasn't long after my relocation that I lost contact with my mystery email friend...I tried a couple of times to email the address I had for him, but didn't receive any responses after early 2003. Meanwhile, I had broken my destructive patterns and was finally living my life anew, I got a new boyfriend and moved on. I also tried to stay in touch with Honor from time to time, but we always seemed to fall out of contact again. You know how it try to hang on to some friendships, but we all have our own lives across the distances -- makes it difficult sometimes to maintain contact with those who aren't close family.

Three months ago, Honor "found" me on Facebook and added me as a friend. I was delighted to see my old friend reappear once more, and looked forward to having closer ties. Say what you like about services like MySpace and Facebook, they have done wonders for reconnecting with folks long thought lost.

Just over a month ago I was on Facebook, checking in as I do, and I noticed that Honor had posted a note on his page. He talked about the rough path he has traveled in the last few years, how he was recommitting himself to his friends, and that he was really hoping to be this "Honorable" person he'd always wanted to be. Now, this is where I realize the vagueness of my story may confuse. Let's say that Honor's real name is "Bob" (it isn't). I knew 'Bob' as 'Bob' and only as 'Bob'. But I DID know someone who called himself 'Honor' -- my mystery email friend. He wrote to me under a very specific pseudonym (which I only partially use here). So when I read 'Bob's' note, and he very specifically called himself this VERY SPECIFIC pseudonym...well, it all clicked into place. Bob was Honor. He had always been Honor.

So I responded to his note: "you're Honor? After all these years..."

And those words set us on our current path. In a short span of time, we found each other, recognized that we belonged together and now focus on our combined futures. We first spoke of marriage a couple of weeks ago, in that 'what if...' kind of way. But the 'what if' has taken on a 'will be' sort of tone now. It isn't a matter for us of 'if' we'll get married, but 'when'.

So, being the non-wedding person I have been, I knew I had to start looking for information. I have NO CLUE what I'm doing. I mean, I'm a smart cookie, I'll figure it out, but as I've sifted through wedding websites, blogs, forums, etc, I see just how little I know about this entire culture I'm about to jump into. I used to laugh and wonder how on earth you could have one or even two cable channels devoted to weddings and all that surround them. Now I know.

This is friggin HUGE, and as I try to stand up against the waves of the oncoming information, I realize my need to get out of the water a second. I need a starting place. There needs to be a 'So, you, the last hold out who thought she'd never get married are now contempating a wedding' kind of starting point.

I don't expect that Honor and I will be engaged before late next year sometime. I then expect it'll be another 8-10 months after that before we are married. So, the good news is I'm starting really early to think on this and to start putting plans in motion.

Obviously I'm far more focused on getting my man moved closer to me so we can really start living our lives together. We're on opposite sides of the country right now, and we've already discussed his move to this coast next year sometime. I'm not freaked out about this path, and neither is he. We are meant to be -- this we are sure of, and it is what wakes us up every morning and puts us to sleep at night.

I'm 34 now, and he's 39; we're not getting younger. Neither of us was looking to get married, but we both know that this is our destiny some point.

So I have stumbled here, to this forum, posting this really long note and throwing it out in a bottle hoping one or two kind souls will take pity on me and feel inclined to, if not shepherd me through this process, help introduce me to it -- tell me where to start. I'd love to develop some good friendships along the way, as I have no girlfriends who are engaged or have been married...and I'm not yet at a point of discussing this with family because, well, when I tell this story, I will be considered INSANE. I mean, what logical, rational person is absolutely certain they've found their soulmate after a month (even if I knew him for 13 years?) So, I don't expect I'll be talking 'wedding plans' much with close friends and family...certainly not yet.

But perfect strangers...well, I've had good luck there before. And something tells me I can be lucky in that again. If you are still reading this posting and wondering about me, my story, and maybe how it relates to you, and your story...and maybe you are thinking of things you would want me to know, things you wish you had known or advice you were given...well, I'm hoping you'll respond to this note and introduce yourself to me, perhaps in not quite as long winded a fashion.

I aim to stick around this place, one way or another. Would love to have some company as I do so.

So, yes, I'm petrified (a bit), overwhelmed (a lot) and wondering what the heck I've gotten myself into.

Maybe you can tell me?

The Answer:
HI Journey. Lovely story. I too met my now husband online over 4 1/2 years ago and moved into his cottage after 2 dates! I was 33 when I got married and Rob was 39. I'm not a girly girl and the thought of actually getting married and settling down was scary. No more first dates and naughty misbehaving! But I loved Rob and we decided to get married and I had no idea how to go about it either.

The folk on here are mostly married now and onto babies. But we've all been through weddings and the planning and are happy to help you whenever you need it. I still have my wedding list of things to do if you need it.

Welcome to Groovy enjoy the highs of planning with the happiest thought of finally being officially together after all this time. There's a search function on the board and the top section of wedding planning has lots of things we've talked about over the years XxX

Has Anyone Used Charity Wedding Favours?

SallyTimms says:
I just wondered if anyone had used charity wedding favours? I think it's a lovely idea and found that the NSPCC do some

What do you think? Do they go down well with guests?


The Answer:
Hi Sally - we have got some charity table cards from the altzheimers society and I'm really looking forward to putting them out. Go for it, i think it's a great idea.

Having The Wedding Where You Or Your Partner Works

Futuremrslee says:
My partner is a chef at a big country house in Devon and it is stunning and I have always said that I would never have my wedding in a place like that because it is not me. However, he's twisted my arm into thats where we are going to have after seeing my parish church and going to a party at where I would choose as being the reception venue.

Has anyone else had there wedding where you or your partner works?
If you have how did it go?

The Answer:
I work in a restaurant and we do weddings, personally I wouldn't get married somewhere I work. It's not that it's not nice, it's fine dine with a nice ambience but for me it would take the shine off it, but everyone is different. I work with someone who was going to get married where she used to work as they were getting a big discount! (They actually split up before the big day so it didn't happen). It also depends if it's the kind of venue you would pick anyway. I can see pros and cons to it. Sorry can't really be of any further help!

Dress for Remarried Moment

tigerly1 says:
I am getting remarried in Sept 2011, it is going to be a church service and I have asked 4 people to be bridesmaids. I have one adult and 3 children aged 8 & 9.
I am unsure as to whether to dress them all the same / go long or short/ carry flowers or not.
I am on a budget ( in common with most people at the moment) and considered having dresses made but locally I cant find a dressmaker who is within my price range, they are charging around £80 per dress!!
Any ideas / help would be welcomed.

The Answer:
Its not for everyone but have you thought about second hand dresses as you can pick up some great bargains and most are in great condition? You would only need to get them altered then if they dont fit quite right. I know several people who picked up dresses off places like ebay.

Can You Recommend A Spa?

StylishBride says:
I am looking for some personal recommendations of good spas for a relaxing treatment and some down-time to get me through all the stress of wedding planning!

Do any of you have any experiences? Where's the best place you've been? And, what treatments would you recommend?

Thanks in advance,

The answer:
A spa day sounds fab. Do you want it in a certain region or happy to travel and what sort of budget are you thinking of as they vary enormously? Prices obviously go up if you want to stay the night.

Champneys for example which i have been too is fabulous but will set you back a few hundred pounds and the treatments whi;st nice are expensive.

you can pick up some deals on last minute for spas so might be worth taking a look there as every so often they do some cheap spa day offers - most are london based though.

Wedding Ring Size Tips

A quick way to find out your ring size is to wrap a piece of thread around the base of your finger and then measure the length of the thread against a ruler to give your ring size in millimetres.

Then the chart below to work out what your corresponding UK ring size is.

Alternatively many jewellers will also measure your ring size for free.