So that the baby was born in good health physically and mentally, physically and spiritually, you both need to make proper preparation, at least 6 months before planned pregnancy.
Enrich your knowledge about pregnancy, birth and baby care from various sources, ranging from popular science magazines, books, to explore the virtual world. Adequate and proper knowledge will help you and your partner through pregnancy calmly and confidently.
Stop bad habits. Smoking (including passive smoking), and alcohol can disrupt the supply of oxygen in the body. And body condition of oxygen deficiency will cause the process of fertilization and disrupted the course of pregnancy.
Note the diet. The point is inadequate all the nutrients the body needs, namely carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Folic acid, a substance that is useful to avoid physical defects in the fetus is noteworthy, even encouraged to eat prior to pregnancy. If you have health problems, such as a weak stomach, high blood pressure, and so on, consult the experts.
Health checks. One of them, do blood tests to determine whether there is a virus in your body, such as toxoplasmosis, rubella cymegolo and that would endanger the pregnancy. If you suffer from certain diseases, including heart, Asama, lupus, diabetes or high or low blood pressure, which could affect the condition of pregnancy, this condition you should consult the experts. Keep your body's health condition was stable before pregnancy. To protect the fetus, there are some vaccinations need to be done by the prospective mother before pregnancy, the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, TT vaccine (tetanus toxoid), and hepatitis vaccines.
Balance and unseen. Healthy balanced life makes all the organs of the body work optimally. Being a balanced inner life is the guarantee of human happiness as a whole. In the condition of the body like this, pregnancies that occur naturally will run smoothly. Check the pattern to your daily life, already seimbangkah time and energy you use for work and rest. Regular body work, meet the inner needs, as well as relaxation, can all help in that direction.
Anticipate emotional changes due to hormones. Hormonal changes during pregnancy will affect the emotional state of pregnant women. If you and your husband already understand it, you can both support each other, so that the pregnancy was expected to run smoothly.
Enrich your knowledge about pregnancy, birth and baby care from various sources, ranging from popular science magazines, books, to explore the virtual world. Adequate and proper knowledge will help you and your partner through pregnancy calmly and confidently.
Stop bad habits. Smoking (including passive smoking), and alcohol can disrupt the supply of oxygen in the body. And body condition of oxygen deficiency will cause the process of fertilization and disrupted the course of pregnancy.
Note the diet. The point is inadequate all the nutrients the body needs, namely carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Folic acid, a substance that is useful to avoid physical defects in the fetus is noteworthy, even encouraged to eat prior to pregnancy. If you have health problems, such as a weak stomach, high blood pressure, and so on, consult the experts.
Health checks. One of them, do blood tests to determine whether there is a virus in your body, such as toxoplasmosis, rubella cymegolo and that would endanger the pregnancy. If you suffer from certain diseases, including heart, Asama, lupus, diabetes or high or low blood pressure, which could affect the condition of pregnancy, this condition you should consult the experts. Keep your body's health condition was stable before pregnancy. To protect the fetus, there are some vaccinations need to be done by the prospective mother before pregnancy, the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, TT vaccine (tetanus toxoid), and hepatitis vaccines.
Balance and unseen. Healthy balanced life makes all the organs of the body work optimally. Being a balanced inner life is the guarantee of human happiness as a whole. In the condition of the body like this, pregnancies that occur naturally will run smoothly. Check the pattern to your daily life, already seimbangkah time and energy you use for work and rest. Regular body work, meet the inner needs, as well as relaxation, can all help in that direction.
Anticipate emotional changes due to hormones. Hormonal changes during pregnancy will affect the emotional state of pregnant women. If you and your husband already understand it, you can both support each other, so that the pregnancy was expected to run smoothly.
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